Thank you for your interest in CBI South. Enrollment for the Fall 2025 semester is now open. Our website will guide you to more information about the school calendar, course offerings, campus life, financial information, and our online application.
Whether you’re looking to gain a deeper knowledge of Scripture and training for ministry, or you’re taking a gap year to lay a stronger foundation for your faith, we pray CBI South will help you achieve your goals. Let me share with you a little about our history, our affiliation, our campus, and our emphasis.
In the spring of 1980 God called me to put down everything else in my life and prepare myself to serve Him… but where would I go? I had heard of a church in California called Calvary Chapel, that was full of grace and truth. So this Southerner jumped on an airplane and flew 2000 miles to Southern California to attend their Bible College. Their curriculum was just three months, but my time there changed my life. And when it was done I came home with the determination to start a Calvary Chapel in the Deep South, and the dream of one day launching a School of Ministry so that Calvary Chapel-loving Southerners wouldn’t have to travel 2000 miles to prepare themselves to serve the Lord. Over the last forty-four years the Lord has built the church. Now it’s time to start the school! At Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain we are excited that God has open doors to begin such a school in the fall of 2025.
Over the years I’ve enjoyed a ministry friendship with Pastor Jerel Hagerman and the Calvary Bible Institute (CBI) in Yucca Valley California. Several years ago, Jerel had the vision to start a School of Ministry modeled after the original Calvary Chapel Bible College started by Pastor Chuck Smith. Having been greatly impacted by the Bible College I wanted to give back and help Jerel. Thus, over the last several years every time I’ve traveled to Southern California I’ve tried to stop in and teach at CBI. My heart resonates with their focus and mission. We are now happy to be partnering with Jerel to start a CBI in the South.
In my role as the Calvary Chapel Association regional pastor for the Deep South I’ve seen firsthand the need that exists in our part of the country for a CBI. I’ve had conversations with dozens of Calvary Chapel pastors who share the vision and are willing to help. Our CBI South faculty will include many of these pastors who have agreed to come to our campus and teach a block class. We also have pastors on staff who have many years of experience and are excited to share with our students. I, personally, want to be as involved as possible in this new venture. We believe our graduates will be able to find opportunities for meaningful ministry with the pastors they’ll meet at our school. Ultimately, we’re hoping CBI South will strengthen the Calvary Chapel Association in our part of the world.
Over the last several years Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain has been purchasing property and houses adjacent to our main campus. We now have space to host separate lodging for men and women. Walking trails connect the houses with the main campus. Students will enjoy a rural setting with the conveniences of the city.
We also have established important dates for our first year, both Fall 2025 and Spring 2026. Our website will guide you to our school calendar.
If you would like to arrange an overnight visit to our campus you can now do so. Try to include a Sunday, which will give you and your guests an opportunity to attend our church and visit with our pastors and Dean of Students. Contact us and we can make appropriate arrangements.
Our main focus at CBI South will be the Word of God. In Psalm 119:9 the psalmist asks, “How can a young man cleanse his way?” And his answer, “By taking heed according to Your word.” There are no shortcuts to a strong and active faith. For people to live victoriously in Christ they need to know the Bible. But we also want to be doers of God’s Word, not hearers only, so our school will involve its students in the practical ministry of the church. There’ll be plenty of opportunities for you to get a taste of ministry and discover your own gifts.
Another big part of our school will be its “body life.” CBI South will require its students to not only worship together, but to live together for the semester and learn to love and care for one another.
Again, thanks for your interest in CBI South. I’m confident God will lead you in the next phase of your walk with Him. If you have questions or want to correspond don’t hesitate to write us. Send your correspondence to
Sandy Adams